The Challenge

Many precision biomarker-driven therapies are being developed for treatment of various cancers.
However, there are many cancers for which biomarkers have not yet been identified.
Despite the numerous effective personalized treatments on the market today, only a limited number of patients qualify for care.
The discovery of cancer driver mutations has traditionally focused on mutations that directly change amino acids, the building blocks of protein-coding genes.
OncoDecipher identifies the “hidden mutations” that result in a modified gene product.
Targeting these 'hidden biomarkers' with existing and novel treatments will expand the opportunity for patients otherwise, ineligible for care.
Without the ability to discover and screen these mutations, existing and future treatments remain inaccessible to cancer patients

An AI powered platform designed to detect and analyze novel genetic variations (OnD biomarkers) as biomarkers for therapies, and predicts their biological effect and therapeutic outcome
Drastically improve patient outcomes with a personalized approach to oncology care

Our Story

OncoDecipher was founded in 2022 by Prof. Tamir Tuller from Tel Aviv University and Sanara Ventures. It is a AI-based biotech, bio-convergence company develops a computational platform to expand personalized medicine for oncology patients

Contact Us

OncoDecipher Address:
13 Zarhin St, Building C (Sanara Ventures)
Ra’anana, 4366241 Israel
Tel: +972 (76) 8899800
Our labs located at:
3 Pinchas Sapir St (Daren labs)
Nes-Ziona 7403626, Israel